Simply put, it is a yoga class followed by a luxurious extended savasana - which is deepened by an acupuncture & hot stone treatment.
It is the ultimate in replenishing your vitality - you will leave feeling amazingly relaxed & refreshed. The concept is that after moving through yoga poses your body is primed for an acupuncture treatment. You will have moved all of your Qi & your blood will have circulated bringing fresh nutrients to every part of your body - preparing you for a deep meditation. This form of treatment really taps into your body's own innate capacity for healing. |
When is it?
AcuYoga™ classes in Ottawa are held about once per month. To ensure quality of practice - class sizes are kept small & space fills up quickly.
Each location & time is carefully selected. We sometimes hold classes on the 21st floor of a building with a glass walled window overlooking downtown & the Gatineau Hills: other times we select a beautiful, hip yoga studio. The best way to be first to hear about Ottawa's next AcuYoga™ class is to leave your email address in this contact form & receive exclusive announcements telling all the details of the next class. (I promise not to bombard you with promotional emails & will only send you information about upcoming classes) Alternatively, you could 'like' my facebook page where I announce the latest date, time & places of the next class. |
We offer private treatments!
If you want to organize a truly unique treatment for a few friends or co-workers we can arrange a private AcuYoga™ class.
Use the form below to inquire or contact us at [email protected] for more info. |